Survey and Assessment Promotional Materials
The promotional materials for our three data collection projects are listed by associated survey or assessment below
EMS for Children Survey Resources and Marketing Materials
The EDC has created several resources and marketing materials to help EMSC Program Managers and Project Directors with their efforts to assess a prehospital agency’s ability to treat and care for pediatric patients through the EMS for Children Survey.
Survey Communications Option 1 (EDC Administers) Templates for Managers
While the EDC sends the survey invitations and reminders to prehospital agencies if Managers choose this option, we request that Managers send a pre-notice and a supplemental reminder. The pre-notice is intended to be sent a few days before the survey opens, announcing that a survey invitation will come from the EDC. The supplemental reminder is intended to be sent mid-data collection to non-respondents reminding them to complete the survey the EDC sent them. To help Managers, we have created downloadable customizable templates of both for Managers.
Managers who choose this Option 1 are responsible for calling ½ of the non-respondent prehospital agencies. Therefore, we have created a telephone calling script and a telephone calling tracking sheet for Managers to accomplish this task.
Survey Communications Option 2 (Managers Administer) Templates for Managers
To help Managers who choose to manage all of their EMS for Children Survey invitation and reminders emails we have created a response rate plan of evidence-based strategic timings for each of the communication and a template for each of the 5 emailed communications. Download these resources here.
If your office doesn’t have access to an email marketing service and uses Microsoft Outlook for email, mail merge is the easiest method to manage sending all of your invitations and reminders to prehospital agencies. We have a 30-minute video tutorial to help Managers. The video tutorial shows how you can do a mail merge to a large group of people and have each of your emails personalized which significantly increases your survey response rate.
Managers who choose this Option 2 are responsible for calling ALL of the non-respondent prehospital agencies. Therefore, we have created a telephone calling script and a telephone calling tracking sheet for Managers to accomplish this task. You can download these two resources from the option 1 section above.
Marketing Materials
Below are several downloadable marketing materials we have created for Managers. Some of the materials are customizable and a brief description is listed with each item.
Press Kit
This press kit contains a list of tools with links to help promote participation in the upcoming EMS for Children Survey.
This document is a PDF flyer to send to EMS agencies to promote the upcoming data collection.
This is a template of a state report of the previous year’s data from the EMS for Children Survey to share with prehospital agencies to promote upcoming survey.
Thank You Email Post Card – Respondents Template
This document is a customizable postcard created in Word for you to send to the respondent prehospital agencies to promote the upcoming data collection.
Thank You Email Post Card – Non-Respondents Template
This document is a customizable postcard created in Word for you to send to the non-respondent prehospital agencies to promote the upcoming data collection.

Social Media Images
Social media images to promote the upcoming survey.
Email Signature Banner Template
This document is a customizable email signature banner in PowerPoint where you can insert your state/territory EMSC logo and save to PNG to create your email signature banner.
This image is a general email signature banner with the EMSC logo. You can download and add to your email signature if you don’t want to make a custom one.
National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project (PPRP) Resources and Marketing Materials
The planned deployment for the PPRP assessment is in 2024. In preparation, the PPRP Steering Committee is creating several resources and marketing materials to help EMSC Program Managers and Project Directors with their efforts to improve pediatric readiness with prehospital agencies.
These resources are intended to be used to help Managers with promotion and education with prehospital agencies.
Marketing Materials
National Pediatric Readiness Project (NPRP) Resources & Marketing Materials
The 2021 NRPR assessment period is complete, and we have transitioned into a quality improvement (QI) phase for reassessment. The next NPRP assessment is estimated to be in 2026.
Resources and marketing materials created by the NPRP steering committee for the 2021 assessment are still available and useful to EMSC Program Mangers for pediatric readiness promotion, reporting, and QI efforts with hospital EDs.