How We Can Help
Strategic Planning for EMSC
Conducting strategic planning is a time-intensive endeavor and is not to be entered into lightly. Strategic planning is a multi-stage process that involves 6-12 months of planning and work which cannot be accomplished in a single meeting. Therefore, the EDC staff cannot conduct complete strategic planning for your EMSC Program. What we can do is advise, facilitate a meeting or two, and provide you with some resources to help you conduct your own strategic planning.
Our staff have varying experience and training in meeting facilitation and SWOT analysis for strategic planning. You can reach out to your Technical Assistance Liaison with questions related to this topic and we will help by providing advice and ideas. We have experience in facilitation for in-person as well as remote/virtual settings and can advise according to your needs and the setting.

In the past the EDC staff have accompanied HRSA project officers and EIIC staff on scheduled site visits. Often for these visits, EMSC Program Managers have requested we facilitate some strategic planning. While it is not realistic to conduct a strategic planning during one of these site visits, we could facilitate a part of the process. For example, for a live in-person session with a dedicated 2-4 hours we could facilitate brainstorming, affinity diagramming, and ranking of grouped ideas for a group of up to 8 participants.

Because strategic planning takes a long time and our staff cannot help with the entire process, we have created various resources to help those who wish to conduct strategic planning. These resources are free for anyone interested in facilitating strategic planning to download from our website and include the following:

EMSC-Related Statistical Needs
Our resource center was established to increase capacity among EMSC Grantees to collect, analyze, and utilize data to drive system improvement. Understanding what the data means and accurately portraying the results to audiences with varying needs and levels of data understanding can sometimes be challenging. We are available to help EMSC grantees with data interpretation and statistical needs including consultation, options for analysis and statistical testing, and other assistance as needed. Please check with your EDC Technical Assistance (TA) Liaison for further information, to ask questions, or to request assistance.
We have also created a comprehensive online statistic tutorial to help you with your basic general statistical questions located under our Professional Development section.