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EDC Resource Catalog Guide
Since our first workshop in 2000, the EDC (EMSC Data Center) has been creating resources for EMSC State Partnership Programs. We also create resources as part of our site visits, other trainings, and to meet EMSC Program Manager needs.
This online catalog contains all of these resources. While these resources were created for the EMS for Children State Partnership Programs, prehospital/ EMS agencies and providers, and hospital emergency departments and providers, anyone can download and use them. We ask that if you use them, to make sure to credit EDC.
In this section of our website, you will find a variety of resources in the form of eBooks, media, manuals, slide decks, report templates, and user guides.
These resources are 100% free.
The majority of these resources are available for download. A few, like training videos and webpages, are view-only resources. Choose a topic from the left-hand side to view materials directly related to that topic
Resource Key
- Can add resource to your shopping cart for later download
- Resource is view only (video/webpage), not available for download
- Can download resource immediately
The resources on our website are in a variety of formats that include PDFs, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher, video, and webpages. If you are looking for a specific format type, you can filter for that on the main Resource Catalog page.
Organization and Searching
All resources in this section of our website are searchable. If you know the resource title, you can search for it. We have also created some standardized Keywords based on key resource topics. Those key topics and associated standardized Keywords are:
- performance measures
- skill checking
- pediatric readiness
- survey
- survey methodology
- response rates
- data collection
- form
- data collection
- data analysis
- data communication
- Form
- plan
- strategic planning
- facilitation
- meeting management
- virtual meetings
- facilitation
- quality improvement
- program evaluation
- promotion
- communication
- target audience
- fact sheet
- infographic
- social media
- Adobe Express (formerly known as Spark)
- Microsoft Sway
- report
- slide deck
- worksheet
- template
- report
- grant writing
- project narrative
- budget
- workshop
- TechTalk
- tutorial
- presentation
- video
- manual
- user guide
- mail merge
- Outlook
- docx
- xlxs
- pptx
- pubx
- mp4
Many of the resources are also part of a set. You can see how many resources are part of a set which will be indicated under the resource title.
Example: Resource part 2 of 3
Each resource will have a product detail page. On that detail page you will find what number of a set it is, resource format, a brief description, and other details like number of pages, publisher, publication date, and file size.