Pediatric Dashboards
These dashboards contain national aggregate data for public exploration. To maintain data privacy, state-specific data is only available to the state EMSC Program Managers and Project Directors.
More dashboards and reports are in the planning phase and under construction. Check back regularly to see if new data is available.
NEMSIS Pediatric Dashboards
We are part of a national collaborative effort to work with the National Emergency Medical Services Information System Technical Assistance Center (NEMSIS TAC) to create public dashboards of EMS data that are focused on pediatrics.
Check back regularly to explore these dashboards once they are published to the public.
Learn more about NEMSIS
US Population Dashboard by County (Children Under 18 years) is a valuable resource when searching for information related to pediatric population. The Bureau has links to many population-based datasets. A question we often receive is what is the total pediatric population in the counties in my state?
Using data from the US Census, we are creating a basic dashboard to assist you in visualizing this data. The data is based off the 2020 Population Estimates.

National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Results (PPRP)
The PPRP is estimated to launch its first data collection in 2024. Similar to the NPRP, we plan to create a public dashboard of the national results.
Check back in 2026 to see if the dashboard is available
National Pediatric Readiness Results (NPRP)
We are currently working on finalizing and publishing the analysis of the 2021 NPRP assessment. We plan to create a public dashboard of national results.
Check back regularly to see if the dashboard is available.