Our Downloadable Data Collection Tools
EMS for Children Survey (annually)
EMSC Performance Measure information is collected for two measures as well as some demographic information.
One focuses on the availability of a designated individual(s), often called a Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator or PECC, who is responsible for coordinating and championing pediatric-specific activities for a prehospital agency.
The other assesses the processes and frequency utilized by prehospital agencies to evaluate their prehospital providers’ skills using pediatric-specific equipment. Personnel working in a 911 responding prehospital agency are targeted to complete the survey.
You can download either document.

National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project (PPRP) Assessment (every 5 years)
The PPRP assessment was developed by PPRP collaborative partners and will capture comprehensive prehospital agency level data and estimated to launch the first data collection in 2024.
This project allows for a deeper understanding of the state of prehospital pediatric readiness factors and recognition of areas of health disparity and inequality.
PPRP Assessment Data Dictionary (coming soon!)

National Pediatric Readiness Project (NPRP) Assessment (every 5 years)
The 2021 NPRP assessment was developed by NPRP collaborative partners. It is intended to be used to evaluate overall pediatric readiness in emergency departments. Personnel working in hospitals with a 24/7 ED are targeted to complete the assessment. The Program plans for the next national assessment to occur in 2026.
NPRP Assessment Data Dictionary (coming soon!)